Foreigners gather round!
Local shopping street needs international views and suggestions.
内容 Subject
Walk through the shopping street together and check the internationalization, good or bad points for foreigners.
調査箇所 Survey area
Orion Dori Shopping Street, Hinocho Dori Shopping Street, Union Dori Shopping Street, Tobu Bashamichi Dori Shopping Street, Ikegami Dori Shopping Street and more.
対象者 Object person
foreigners, foreign exchange students.
Japanese youth who is interested in international exchange and community development.
持ち物 What to bring
Notebook, Pen.
お申込み / お問合せ Application / Contact
以下のウェブサイトよりお申込み・お問合せください。 Please apply or contact from this website.
宇都宮商店街の国際化を探る お申し込みフォーム
Application form “Field survey of the internationalization of Utsunomiya-city”: